It is said that parents are the first teachers of every child! And it is correct! Then parents should be aware of the handwriting method also. How many parents are equipped to guide and help their children with their writing skills? The most important skill for any student is the ability to express himself/herself and explain what they have learned. Is it not? If that is not proper, then the whole academic pursuit takes a severe beating! To overcome this challenge, MAX did years of research and came up with a unique online workshop called Kids Write! In this workshop, parents are trained intensively on the basics of handwriting like gripping, slanting, angling, and alphabet formation. The workshop will be simple, practical, and precise! This workshop is a must for every aspiring parent!
Course Overview
Learning starts at a very early stage! Don’t be left behind in your ward’s handwriting. It is time for you to get equipped with basic handwriting skills so that you can guide your child to write in the proper way. Do you think you know about handwriting? After ‘Kids Write’ training, you realise the truth!